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Project description


The Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute (IOŚ-PIB), located in Warsaw, Poland, has been developing a project focused on building a system of providing and disseminating information in order to support the implementation of the EU’s climate and energy policy. This overall objective is to be achieved through providing to public administration and the society a better information on possible impacts as well as improving the efficiency of climate policy actions. Key elements of the project include creation of sustainable team of experts and building an integrated set of advanced analytical models, able to generate and provide an adequate high quality information and data.

The project goals are defined to support implementation of the EU’s climate policy, with an emphasize on climate and energy package 2020 as well as climate policy framework up to 2030 and long-term objectives for 2050. Activities assumed in the project are designed to improve the general management and decision making through a better recognition of impacts associated with policy options considered. The project outcomes will significantly improve a decision makers capacity in terms of its knowledge, skills and responsiveness in both public and private sector. Accordingly, the project will improve an efficiency of greenhouse gases emission reduction, but also will contribute to achieving other environmental policy objectives, e.g. atmospheric air quality and resource efficiency. 


Project „System of providing and disseminating information in order to support the strategic implementation of climate and energy policy (LIFE Climate CAKE PL)” is financed from EU funds through the LIFE programme and co-financed from national funds by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.